
小编原创 阅读:- 2024-07-15 18:00:16


As a high school student, I am very interested in learning English. I have studied English for many years and I believe that it is a very useful language to communicate with people from different cultures. In my personal plan, I want to improve my English skills and become more confident in using it.

2. Goals

My goals are to improve my listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. I want to be able to understand what people are saying, to be able to express myself clearly and to be able to read things written in English. I also want to improve my pronunciation and to be able to speak English fluently.

3. Activities

To achieve my goals, I have decided to do the following activities:

1.Listen to English music, TV shows, and podcasts.
2. Watch English movies and documentaries.
3. Read English books and newspapers.
4. Practice speaking with a tutor or a language exchange partner.
5. Take an English course online. 6. Listen to English radio programs. I believe that these activities will help me to improve my English skills and to achieve my goals.

4. Conclusion

In my personal plan, I want to improve my English skills and become more confident in using it. I believe that these activities will help me to achieve my goals. I am looking forward to the future and I am excited to see how much I will have improved.

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上一篇: 英文留学学习计划书(出国留学计划书模板英文) 下一篇: 英语一模备考计划书(英语一模备考计划怎么写)
